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Dunnington Parish Council

Dunnington Parish Council Response to York Local Plan

Local Plan Key Diagram, a high-level overview of the proposed changes.

The Parish Council has submitted their response to the City of York Local Plan as part of the consultation process, so far as it relates to the proposed changes to the Green Belt in Dunnington, details of which are contained in the letter below.

The text of the letter is reproduced below.

Dear Sir/Madam

York Local Plan 
Proposed Modifications and Evidence Base Consultations (2021) 
Topic Paper 1: Approach to Defining York’s Green Belt - Addendum (2021) 
Annex 4: Other Developed Areas

Dunnington Parish Council wishes to express its very strong objections to the proposed changes to the Green Belt boundary so far as it effects the village itself as shown on page A4:65 of the above Topic Paper.

This proposed boundary change has obviously been brought about to conveniently retrospectively accommodate the outstanding planning application 20/01626/FULM on Eastfield Lane which is known as H31. Dunnington Parish Council also strongly objected to this planning application and still maintains the same position.

The proposed boundary change contradicts existing planning policy and guidelines:

  • The site meets the requirements as set out in the paragraph 134 on Green Belt purposes in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The NPPF makes it clear that the fundamental aim of the Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open. It also explicitly states that once established, Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. There are no exceptional grounds to justify the removal of the site from the Green Belt. It continues to perform strongly against all the five Green Belt purposes as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework; in particular, to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas; to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment and maintain open countryside; to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns and to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
  • NPPF Paragraph 136 advises that when reviewing Green Belt boundaries local planning authorities need to promote sustainable patterns of development which should be taken into account. Its removal from the Green Belt and allocation for housing will be contrary to this aim. It is a greenfield site, on the edge of a village, and in an unsustainable and rural location. Its development would cause significant harm to the character, appearance, amenity, biodiversity and heritage of the village which has limited services. It would not promote sustainable transport choices as, for example, its location will mean that journey by car will be the primary means of travel should it be developed. It is simply not a suitable or sustainable location for development.
  • The Green Belt boundary here and more widely has been drawn around the built-up part of Dunnington. This green field is physically and functionally separate and distinct from the main built up part of the village and represents accessible and attractive countryside. The existing boundary is sensible, defensible and long established. The proposed intrusion into the countryside represents urban sprawl and undermines the existing logical Green Belt boundary.
  • The NPPF further advises in paragraph 136 that Green Belt boundaries should only be altered where exceptional circumstances are fully evidenced and justified. For the reasons stated above and other sound and compelling reasons we do not consider that this modification has been fully evidenced and justified.

Dunnington Parish Council cannot and will not support this proposed change to the Green Belt boundary and therefore submit that there should not be any change at all made to the Green Belt boundary as it presently exists especially at this location.

Dunnington Parish Council however supports the proposal for the Green Belt boundary in respect of Derwent Valley Industrial Estate as shown on page A4:48.

Yours faithfully

Julie Bone

Parish Clerk

Dunnington Parish Council