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Dunnington Parish Council

Parish Council Tree Inspection

Trees on the Green in Dunnington.

The Parish Council has recently commissioned a tree inspection for all trees on Parish Council land. This is in line with the Parish Council Tree and Hedgerow Management Policy.

The purpose of this inspection was to identify any risks and take early remedial action in order to conserve and enhance our trees. Trees on Parish Council land which are in the Conservation Area are subject to a Planning Application 21/02275/TCA.

The current work programme over the winter months is expected to begin in December and will deal with the removal of dead branches, raising the height of some tree canopies and reducing the height of others, clearing vegetation around streetlights and further safety checks of cavities and tree brace systems.

Work in the conservation area includes The Green, Common Road, Intake Lane Green, opposite the play park and Julia’s Garden.

The other areas are the Play Park where a couple of trees will be crown lifted above the play equipment; Hassacarr Local Nature Reserve where some dead branches will be removed and a group of dead elms which will be reduced in height but left in place to support wild life; the Playing Fields will also require some work on an Ash tree which will be organised by the Playing Fields Association.

This is the first stage of a three-year tree maintenance programme.

Liz Turnbull
Chair, Environment Group