About the Council
Dunnington Parish Council has thirteen elected members, including the Chairman. Parish Councillors are elected every four years at the same time as City of York Local Council Elections. Your Parish Councillors bring a range of different skills and experience to the Parish Council.
The Parish Council is also a member of the Yorkshire Local Councils Association and employs a part time Parish Clerk who ensures the smooth running of the Council and provides us with advice where necessary.
The overall objectives of the Parish Council are to provide, maintain and improve community facilities, represent the interests of our Parishioners’ and to steer the future development of the Parish whilst at the same time maintaining its village character. All relevant planning applications are considered by the Parish Council following referral from the City of York Council.
The Parish Council meets monthly (except during August) usually on the second Monday of the month. The meetings are open to the public who are very welcome to attend and to speak if they wish. The Parish Council also organises the Annual Parish Meeting in March when normally it reports back on its recent activities to all residents.
The Parish Council is funded primarily by a Parish Precept, payable by all householders. This is collected on our behalf by City of York Council.
The Parish Council owns, on behalf of the village, the Greens, Hassacarr Nature Reserve, the Play Park, two allotment sites, the sports grounds, the Scout Hut and the new Cemetery.
Parish Councils have a limited number of duties but they all impact directly on the community. The following are all those duties currently under the remit of our Parish Council but the Localism Bill makes provision for Councils to take on more responsibility so this list may change with individual Parishes. These are currently the provision of allotments, a cemetery, bus shelters, public seating, salt bins, play areas, the acquisition and sale of land, legal proceedings in the interest of the community, accepting gifts, spending money for the benefit of the community, commenting on planning applications, tree planting and verge maintenance.
Please contact the Parish Clerk or any Parish Councillor if you need any assistance. We will be pleased to help if we can.