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Dunnington Parish Council

Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area.

In April 2013 Dunnington Parish Council applied for “designation of a Neighbourhood Plan area” which, following consultation with the people who lived, worked and conducted business in the area, was approved in September 2014. Work then continued on the Neighbourhood Plan during the remainder of 2014 and into 2015.

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However, in late 2015 the Parish Council decided to suspend work on the Neighbourhood Plan until it had more certainty on the outcome of the City of York Council Local Plan. During the consultation period of the City of York Council Local Plan the Parish Council submitted responses to the several proposals affecting the Parish. These submissions can be found on the Local Plan page of the Parish Council website.

Following submission of the City of York Council Local Plan in May last year to the Government Inspector we now had a degree of certainty, so far as it impacted on the Parish, and it was decided to recommence work on the Neighbourhood Plan.

There are two main benefits of having an approved Neighbourhood Plan. It will give the Parish Council some say in any proposed development within the Parish and the Parish Council may also receive 25% of any CIL payments received from certain developments undertaken in the Parish to be spent on items that will benefit the Parish. (If you follow this link - - it will explain what a CIL payment is about).

A working group, made up of Parish Councillors and residents, has been meeting regularly and, using the previous work that had already been undertaken on the Neighbourhood Plan, have now progressed matters to the point where a draft document will be available for preliminary consultation.

A public viewing of the document was held on 26 October 2019 which was very well received by those who attended. As a result a number of changes were made to the document ready for the public consultation process.

The public consultation process was due to be held in the second half of 2020 but unfortunately due to Covid-19 this has had to be delayed for the time being until it is safe and practical to do so. In the meantime all the documents associated with the document will be made available to view on the website shortly.

We will keep you informed regarding the public consultation process which is intended to take place as soon as possible regardless of the situation with the Local Plan.