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Dunnington Parish Council


The Freedom of Information Act (Model Publication Scheme 2008) and the Localism Act (Accountability and Transparancy Codes) require councils to maintain an inventory of all the information that it holds and make this information available through its website to the public.

There is no definative list of documents because every parish differs in the services that it provides but there are (in addition to accounting spreadsheets) some standard documents are shown below but be aware that additional documents are required under the Local Council Award Scheme where the council wishes to attain Quality status or higher. Even if you are not applying for status under the Award Scheme there is no harm in providing these documents if they exist.

This page includes scanned PDF versions of documents supplied by third parties that are out of our control to make fully accessible. If you require these documents in an accessible format, please contact us and we will endeavour to provide them, where possible.



Committee/Group Terms of Reference

Freedom of Information

Governance and Policies

Highway Licences


Land Registry



Planning Applications

Village Green

Wayleave Agreements